3 Year Old

Koala Group
In the Koala Group, our main aim is for children to feel safe, secure, and comfortable.
To acquire a sense of belonging and develop strong and confident self-identities. We accomplish this by nurturing caring, respectful, trusting relationships with
both children and families.
Children then feel safe and supported to share their interests, needs and strengths. The team responds by observing, planning, reflecting, and evaluating meaningful programs of interest to help scaffold the children’s learning in all areas of development

We aim for all
children to:

We aim for all children to:
Achieve a sense of belonging
To develop positive self -esteem and experience success
Explore and celebrate different perspectives, traditions, and practices across communities. This also includes gender, customs and rituals and diverse cultural identities including Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander identities.
Introduce and explore Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures to the land and how Traditional owners cared for the land and waterways.
Establish trusting relationships with other children and educators
To develop independence and initiative
To engage in open-ended discovery and problem solving
To develop communication skills
To resolve conflict appropriately
To learn about personal safety
To understand and acknowledge their emotions and express them appropriately
To be resilient
To have control over their bodies, both large motor skills and fine manipulative skills
To have opportunities to develop a range of learning and thinking skills and processes, such as, problem solving, inquiry, experimentation, mathematical design, hypothesising, researching, and investigating.
Develop a growth mindset and learning dispositions such as: enthusiastic, curious, confident, cooperative, committed, imaginative and reflexive learners in their play environment
To explore different ways of communicating by being creative and expressive
Communicate through arts
Oral, aural and nonoral language
Describe ideas in mathematical design
Creative, safe, and critical users of technology
Strengthening active listening of oral language for literacy and learning
To have fun!