We encourage children to wear comfortable clothing that allows for freedom of movement.
Closed toe shoes that will allow children to jump, climb, run and play.
You can find our school uniform range here > St Mary's Eduthreads Shop
Children are encouraged to be independent and manage their own clothing. Lace up shoes, buttons and tight fitting clothing can be difficult for some to manage.
Clothing needs to be weather appropriate.
Please provide a designated hat for wear between 1st September and 30th April.
We encourage active messy play, so please don’t send your child in their best clothes.
Always pack spare clothes, accidents can happen and children always prefer their own clothes to change into. If you could also pack a plastic or waterproof bag for any soiled clothes to be returned home in.
Please remember to name ALL your child’s belongings.
We are a Sun Smart Preschool, and parents are asked to apply sunscreen to their children prior to arriving between the months of 1st Sept to 30th April.
St. Mary’s Preschool is committed to promoting healthy foods and eating habits that ensure healthy growth and development of children. We encourage families to pack a healthy nutritious lunch box, keeping in mind that we are a nut free preschool.
To support your children’s learning about the world in which they live, we ask you to reduce the amount of non-recyclable waste in your child’s lunchbox. We have a worm farm for any left over fruit/ vegetables.
Show and tell
Each program runs a show and tell session, where special items may be shared with their friends. These items are placed safely away, and children are not encouraged to play with them during the session.
We ask that children DO NOT bring their toys or special items from home at any other time. Broken or lost toys can be quite upsetting for children whilst at kinder.