Environmental Sustainability
We believe that it is our collective responsibility to take care of our planet for future generations. At St Mary’s Pre-school we commit to promoting sustainability through the following actions:
Reduce, reuse, and recycle
We will reduce our waste by reusing materials as much as possible and recycling materials that cannot be reused. This includes promoting ‘nude foods’ through lunchboxes, putting our food scraps into our worm farm and recycling and repairing toys when possible. We will also teach children about the importance of recycling and provide opportunities for them to recycle at kindergarten.
Conserve energy and water
We will conserve energy by turning off lights and electronics when they are not in use and monitor and manage the consumption of water, including using rainwater where possible. We will also teach children about the importance of conserving energy and water and encourage them to turn off lights, electronics and water taps when they are not using them.
Encourage eco-friendly transportation
We will encourage eco-friendly transportation such as walking and biking to kindergarten. We will also teach children about how using alternative forms of transportation can be better for the environment as well as promote wellbeing.
Use sustainable materials
We will choose sustainable materials whenever possible and avoid materials that are harmful to the environment, encouraging and teaching children to make sustainable choices.
Connect with nature
We will provide opportunities for children to connect with nature and learn about the environment and Indigenous culture. We will take children into our nature garden and teach them about plants, including our Indigenous garden, growing our own fruits and vegetables, animals, encouraging them to explore the natural world.
We believe that by committing to these actions, we can make a positive impact on our planet and teach children the importance of sustainability. We look forward to working together with our kindergarten community to create a more sustainable future for all.