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At St Mary’s Pre-School, we are an Incorporated Association. We have a constitution that outlines how we operate and utilise a number of policy and procedure documents to assist in the day-to-day operations of the kindergarten.

It is crucial we have sufficient members to be able to operate our kinder under our Constitution and The Associations Incorporation Reform Act, The Education and Care Services National Law Act, The Education and Care Services National Regulations as well as being accountable to Consumer Affairs Victoria, ACEQUA and the Department of Education and Training.

What does the Committee Do?

St Mary’s Pre-School is run by a Committee of Management drawn from volunteer parents. Committee meetings take place at kinder once a month with the Committee being accountable for the ongoing operation of the kindergarten. Specifically, the Committee is responsible for the general business, finance, staffing, policies, fundraising as well as the administration and maintenance of the centre.

We are lucky to be able to employ a Business Manager who is responsible to the day-to day operations and administration of the kindergarten, which allows the committee to focus on more of the community driven issues, such as fundraising and social event coordination. 

Becoming a committee member is such a fantastic way to get involved in the kinder community and meet new families and parents. If you are interested in nominating for one of these positions, please contact us at

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187 Dendy St, Brighton East VIC 3187  |  (03) 9592 7622

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