St Mary’s is a sessional kindergarten that offers quality preschool education to both three and four-year old children. The Early Years Learning Framework (EYLF) and the Victorian Early Years Learning Developmental Framework (VEYLDF) underpin our programs.
St Mary’s is a community run, not for profit kindergarten. It is managed by a dedicated voluntary committee made up of our parents.
Our children progress to many of the local primary schools including Brighton Primary, Brighton Beach, St Finbar’s, and St Joan of Arc.
We are affiliated with the Anglican Parish of St Andrew’s, New Street, Brighton. St Andrew’s provides us with essential support through the use of buildings, committee representatives, visits and and access to their halls and grounds for our fundraising efforts.
We gratefully acknowledge the support provided by St Andrew’s, the State Government and the State of Library Kindergarten IT program and the Victorian School and Building Authority for our recent playground upgrade.

Our spacious, light-filled indoor area provides for flexible learning spaces, which are continually evolving to reflect the interests and ideas of the children. Areas are planned for specific learning outcomes, such as literacy, numeracy, science and the creative arts; other areas allow for flexibility and creativity, where the children can explore, adapt and extend their own learning.
The outside play area offers the children space to run, explore, and to create their own adventures. Our feature tree house offer endless opportunities for imaginative play. Our beautiful Elm tree reflects the seasons and provides shade in summer. Our miniature allotments allow the children to try their hand at growing their own produce.